Site News

The Eclipse Gala

Posted 1 month and 12 hours ago :: Last edited 3 weeks and 5 days ago by chamalaeon


Welcome to the Eclipse Gala!

Thank you to everyone who participated in The Seashell Soirée during May and June!  We had a lot of fun and hope you did too!  With this new update come a number of new things that you can enjoy doing on site, from a new transformation new pets to a brand new permanent shop, and more!

Site Updates

Last month we announced our completed Lockette Trait Updates, and later on, we will make an announcement with our trait updates to Dexettes and Nunuluma.  For now, their traits are up (though not always with images just yet), and already approved ones can be uploaded onto site via the use of a Legacy MYO.

For more information on transferring your already existing characters and items to the website, please view the ‘Tranfer to Site’ guide and follow its instructions.

We’re still working on getting items for Lockettes, Dexettes, and Nunuluma made for the site, but you’ll get another announcement when each ones’ items are ready.  It’ll take some time, as we fit it in around preparation for our already planned events.  We have plans made for Aerius-centric events out till January-February, and have scheduled our first Maquette-centric event to occur during March-April, so we hope you look forward to that (we certainly do)!

There is also a new default theme, called Crystalline.  (The one you know is called 'Dextroluma').  You can find your theme in your settings.  We're looking to find nice ways to showcase these at some point as items, so we'll let you know when we figure that out.


You got a hint of what was coming with our special modset - now let’s look at what you can do if you want your own Dextroluma able to become a mermaid as well.  There’s a new guide to the design requirements involved in making a mermaid, and a new prompt where your Dextroluma can learn how to use this magic with the assistance of Queen Anja’s advisor, Ophelia.

Additionally, transformations is a thing available to use for any character’s images now.  This allows you to have a separate nude image, ‘main’ image, alt outfits, and miscellaneous references.  For those with access to summons - which is all Lockettes, Dexettes with the new ‘collar & summon’ trait, and some Dextroluma and Dexettes with the special seasonal trait, there is also a summons transformation.  You may also see some designs around, such as Queen Ashe, who have a ‘mythic transformation’ transformation.  These are exclusive to Mythic characters who are not obtainable through normal means.

Monthly Scavenger Hunts

While the scavenger hunt for shells has ended (and the locations will be shared in the discord soon), when there are no major scavenger hunts, there will now be monthly, smaller scavenger hunts for a set of shiny shards.  The shards can be kept, put in character inventories, or sold - do what you want with them!  There is no award for these, these are just fun little hunts.  The hunts will be run by Puffindoodle, and will generally not come with any hints.

There will be a new Scavenger Hunt ping role available in the Discord, which you can choose to get.  This will let you get pings when a scavenger hunt begins or ends, and allow you to receive hints on the occasions where there is a hint.  As with the shell scavenger hunt, do not beg in the discord for hints or spoil it in there.  This is just a fun game - if you don't find it fun, then we suggest focusing your energy on the things you do find fun!

(The shard below is NOT a claimable one, this is just to show you what they look like!)

New Event Currency

Introducing... Champagne 15-icon.png! With this event comes a lovely bubbly cocktail glass! What are they for? Well keep reading!

Fancy Pet Variants

Now we get to introduce our third variant, now purchasable with the event! You had a hint at them with the introduction of Puppers, and now they’re here in force! Say hello to the Fancy pets!

These sweet little friends are perfect for the fanciest pet owner! Show your love for these pets by purchasing them with Champagne 15-icon.png or feeding your regular pet the Fancy Cookie!

New Pets

With the introduction of the Empyrian nations come three new friends!  We hope you’ll delight in getting to know the Ryuudle, Suldra, and Kitties!


In addition, there’s now lore up on all the site’s pets in the Fauna Section of the World!

New Shops!

Check out our event shop, the Eclipse Gala Where you can spend your event currency ! Our event shop features new pet variants, strong elixirs, cookies, borders, a background, and the new pets, so there’s plenty available to purchase! You can earn Champagne 15-icon.png by completing event prompts.

It seems like during the Seashell Soirée, a new business set up shop.  As the Gala gets into full swing, it looks like the proprietors have finally appeared, though if you read their dialogue they seem to be cleaning up a mess…  How odd!  There seem to be lots of other things happening in some shops - make sure to check the dialogue or the Observer's Notebook to see what's going on this month.

New Items In Shops

Did you think the seashells were going away?  They’re definitely not!  Check out Decore Galore for the ability to buy all the seashells for crystals from Serena.  Additionally, they’re now transferable not only to other users but also to your characters.

Serena has more than just the shells, though - she also has some sweet backgrounds that your characters can use, if their references on site are transparent, of course.

Blossom has some surprises in store for you as well, so check out Strawberry Gardens to see what she has procured.

New Prompts

This event comes with new prompts to enjoy! Follow your character as they enjoy themselves at the Eclipse Gala and deal with the various preparations they might make for it, including pondering the superstitions some have around celestial events like this one.

Additionally, what’s this?  There’s new Key Character prompts for Abella, and the newly introduced rulers of the Crystal Isles, Ashe and Diana!

New Award

Of course with our New Event comes a new Award! To get the ‘Best Dressed’ award, just complete the ‘Dancing the Night Away’ prompt.

New Volumes

Check out the volumes of Observer's Notebook to refresh your memory on what different shopkeepers and events have said before - and keep an eye out for when dialogues change again!  Also keep an eye out for more books arriving to the Nevermore Bookstore - you never know when they might arrive.

New Locations

Check out the locations on site as it looks like there is a nice new crop of locations in the Crystal Isles that might be interesting for your characters!

Raffle Winners

The Free Pride Month Raffles have concluded!  Congratulations to kinky--kitten and IllusionNova!


Nitro Booster Rewards!

We try to give our nitro boosters some little rewards each event period.  For the Eclipse Gala, they get advance access to the Nevermore Bookstore snapshot, and they got to vote on the name for the new Suldra!  We appreciate you all for the boosts and hope you enjoy the background!

Look Forward To...

This event will continue through the end of August! 

Terms of Service Update

Posted 1 month and 5 days ago :: Last edited 1 month and 5 days ago by chamalaeon

Hello y'all.  We are announcing some further updates to our TOS.  (Linked at the bottom of every page as 'terms').

We reorganized and clarified some pieces of the TOS we believe may have been confusing to some users. (The site TOS also now has an outline, so it is easier to reference). We also added some information on Nunulumas to make sure they are included in important rules such as our prohibition on NFTs, although some aspects of how they will work, such as redesigning, still have to be solidified.

Additionally, we have added some rules relating to privately contacting mods about species questions. Species questions, without exception, belong in questions or - if about another user - over a private ticket. If you need to raise a concern about a moderator's behavior, you may ask in questions to DM Lunathyst. You must wait for her agreement before then messaging her, and if the message is not a concern about a moderator you will be issued with a strike and told to ask your question or raise your problem in one of the aforementioned ways. We have been generally rather generous with this, but after the recent spate of harassment we have been dealing with we are no longer going to entertain these. You will not receive a faster response to your question by DMing Luna, and there is a whole team of us who can answer your questions.

Contacting moderators on other platforms, such as vgen, about species issues is also not allowed.

Thank yall!

Lockette Trait Update!

Posted 1 month and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 month and 2 weeks ago by Lunathyst

Lockette Trait Update!

 As previously announced we have been getting all things Lockette related on site! The biggest hurdle was of course setting up the trait lists, descriptions and assets! Now they’re finally done we can finally explain everything in one big news post for ease!

So what actually changed?

To start off with, nothing major has changed! Like with Dextroluma some traits have been merged and minimized to make things easier when listing, again, these are very minor things! So let’s get onto listing them and what exactly has been altered.

Geometric Shaped Charms

Common charms have strictly only been a certain amount of shapes to choose from, some shapes were also left out and so to combat this we’ve altered this trait to make a little more sense! Now, any geometric shape will class as common! Additionally, skulls will now class as Rare.

Most charms found among Lockettes take simple and easily identifiable shapes.  These range from shapes such as hearts and crescent moons to squares, circles, triangles, and hexagons.  These charms are always a singular shape - a circle flanked by crescent moons would not count as a geometric shaped charm.

Custom Shaped Charms

Nothing much has changed here aside from the fact that we’re now allowing these charms to appear broken! It’s no longer a mutation. Any geometric charm that appears broken will class as Rare.

Sometimes, Lockettes are found sporting more complex charms than the typical geometric ones.  These can take an incredible variety of shapes - bones, anatomical hearts, skulls, shells, flowers, pinecones…  These charms can also appear to be broken.


We now call 'weapons' summons and categorize them as Weapon summons, Other summons and Living summons. As usual, Weapon summons are common, Other is rare and Living summons are Seasonal! We’ve only altered the name here.

Band Collars

Common collars have always been a single band, a spiked variant and a frilly variant. We felt it was much easier to just refer to these types of collars as “Band Collars”

Most Lockette collars take the form of a simple banded collar.  This collar may appear with some accessories - typically, frills or spikes are seen, but occasionally other embellishments are seen that do not alter the basic shape of the collar.



Chains are now fully classed as common, you can have one chain or plenty! They can be even made out of other materials!

Some Lockettes manifest with ‘chains’ attaching their charms to their collar.  The reasons for this are unknown, but it happens so often it is seen as unremarkable.  These ‘chains’ are often literal chains, but can also be strings or ropes or something else.

Shell types

Articulated is a new common trait listed in the shell type category. This basically means “non BJD”.

Similar to how if you select a BJD body and then have Intact / Fragmented, the same will be applied to an articulated body.

An articulated shell is one of the commonly made types of shells.  These shells are distinguished by being formed to resemble the exterior of a humanoid body that would possess interior joints.  Articulated prosthetics are commonly used as well.  They are believed to be somewhat more difficult for saura to control, as they typically are more rigid before becoming inhabited by saura, but are a popular choice for shellmakers as they are often simpler to make than a BJD shell.


Nothing big here apart from the fact that we are allowing wings to be functional! Let your Lockettes Fly!

On occasion, a Lockette manifests with wings.  These wings can be anywhere on the shell and of any size, with larger ones sometimes being capable of letting the Lockette fly.  They may also take different forms - feathered, leather, insect, or even being comprised of metal or something else.  The wings may represent a clue at the origin of their saura, though there is little conclusive evidence to this supposition.

And that’s about all I have for you guys! I haven’t listed all of the traits here since there were no changes, but you can view all Lockette traits here and see examples and read their descriptions!

♥ Big Thank you to chamalaeon for these descriptions (and myself for speeding through assets last night) ♥

We hope you enjoy the changes we’ve made and I hope they make things smoother for you all, any questions you can ask in the questions channel or private ticket! ♥

Happy Pride Month!

Posted 1 month and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 month and 3 weeks ago by chamalaeon

Welcome to June!


In addition to the continuation of the Seashell Soirée and its prompts, scavenger hunt, and shop…  We have some exciting news for this month, as well as further updates from that Discord poll.  First up…

Happy Pride!


If you hadn’t noticed with the two sets of lesbian Royals, we love queerness here.  While we don’t have too much planned for this year’s Pride, we still want to give it a shoutout.  There will be some designs available for purchase this month, as well as a free Pride Raffle (pictured above).  Additionally, there are some new borders in the shop…


New Items, New Collection, & New Shops


As you might have noticed, there are books now!  The information from them - our lore - can be found in the Library.  We hope this makes for an easier reading experience than the original long page, and that you all enjoy the new collection and award.


We had originally wanted books to stay in the Aerius Archives, however, due to difficulties related to the paypal shop, we will be creating a bookstore that to handle selling the books for user’s crystals, which we will announce once it is ready.


Additionally, we’re embarking on plans to build a paypal subscriber shop on site to help fund website related costs.  This includes server space (the lowest tier plan, what we are presently on, costs about $235 every three years), commissioning artists for pets (averaging roughly $60 every two months), domain registration ($20 per year), and being able to buy certain Lorekeeper extensions that could bring fun features to the website.  This might not sound like a ton if you have a job, but most of the mod team do not for reasons ranging from health to school to issues related to immigration stuff.  We’re managing right now, but we could do more with this idea.  We are not yet sure when this shop will laucnh but we will let you know!


You will not be required to buy these, these will just give those who buy them fun bonuses as thanks for their support of the website.  We also request that if you are in a difficult financial situation, you prioritize your needs, not ours - a website is fun, but it has no comparison to food and shelter.  Please be responsible.

AntennaeInsect LimbsReptilian FeetFloating Limbs

New Traits & Organizational Tweaks


You might have noticed - whether from the Discord announcement of it or just browsing our traits to make MYOs - but several new traits have been added, and trait categories have been condensed.  Arboreal covers Swamp, Forest, and Rainforest.  Aqueous covers Abyss and Ocean.  Regolian covers Desert, Mountain, and Volcanic.  Cryan covers Arctic and Tundra.  Nephian covers Air Day and Air Night (formerly labeled as Skylands).  Empyrian covers Crystal, Delta, and Hyperspace.  Faerie covers Fairy and Flower.


Draphibians have also been condensed with Gextro into the new Companions masterlist, and all their IDs now begin with CMP.


You might wonder why we’ve done these organizational changes, and that is because…


Lockettes Are Coming


After the feedback form on Discord, merging the Lockette and Dextroluma servers into one (now named “Aerius & Maquette”), and a lot of analysis of things like costs (server storage is pricy), the mod team’s time (we’d basically be doing an event every month and we’d all burn out fast), lore (already pretty connected), the difficulties of managing two websites (did you know it’s possible to push a change to the wrong site?  I have a new nightmare!) and of course what people said during the survey, we have decided we will be adding Lockettes to the site (and later on, Dexettes as well).


This was a difficult decision to make, as we had originally planned on separate sites when we first started out, but we’ve come around to it and are now excited to begin bringing Lockettes to the site.


There are some changes to Lockettes coming that were already in the works - lore rewrites, tweaks to their traits, etc.  The first of these changes you get early - The Heartlands is being renamed to Maquette, and is now its own dimension rather than part of Earth.  A maquette is “a scale model or rough draft of an unfinished sculpture”, and we chose the name to pertain to coming lore relating to Lockette culture and how they view the dimension they inhabit.  The term ‘The Heartlands’ is still going to be used, though - it’s a common way Lockettes refer to the heart-shaped lake in the center of their dimension where they manifest.


What changes does this mean for the site?


Well, nothing right away.  We’re looking at potential new URLs, but aren’t sure we would be able to change it, especially since most lockette and dexette related urls that end in a .com are already claimed.


We’ll be working on some different site themes - a unified one and a lockette themed one, and a new mascot, since, as we announced prior, we’ll be retiring the old one.


In time, you’ll see Lockettes added to the species dropdowns, and their traits begin to appear on site.  We’ll be finding ways to bring Lockettes into shops, to try to avoid having too many of them, and so it’s easy for everyone to know where to go.  We’ll start doing Lockette approvals and adopts on site, and adding their items and your (and our) Lockettes.


The currencies will remain the same - crystals is the dominant currency of both species, as Lockettes are just as big a fan of shiny things as Dextroluma.  (Practically speaking, crystals fit in a pouch a lot better than keys, and don’t get caught on each other to the same degree).  Like when Dextroluma were added to the site, the current Lockette currency will not transfer over to the site, but will be part of the raffle that we swear is coming Eventually.  (We keep adding more projects to our long to-do-list because we all LOVE doing too many things at one time).


We don’t yet have a strong timeline on when these changes will be taking place on site, but we’ll let you all know as things happen.  We love you all and want the best for these species and this community.


You are welcome to express your thoughts and feelings in the Discord server or comments here, and to ask questions and give suggestions as desired.  We know merging the servers is a really big change, and the idea of having both the species on one site is an even bigger change, which can be a lot to process.  All we ask is that you are all respectful in your words and conduct to your fellow members and our team.

Seashell Soirée

Posted 2 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 months and 3 weeks ago by chamalaeon

Welcome to the Seashell Soirée!

Thank you to everyone who participated in The Great Mushroom Harvest during March and April!  We had a lot of fun and hope you did too!  With this new update come a number of new things that you can enjoy doing on site, from new pets to new dailies, a brand new permanent shop, a scavenger hunt, and more!

Site Alterations

As you might have noticed in the past few days, there’s a new daily!  Help Goolia attempt to retrieve her bones from her mischievous summon each day in Higher or Lower!

a light teal crocodile's head with a bone in its mouth, his face appears smug

Say a fond farewell with us to Stewy for now.  For unknown reasons, Queen Iola seems to have lost the ability to make more.  At least we can continue to enjoy(?) her delicious(?) stews…

If you look at a character's page, such as that of the best(?) cook on Aerius, Queen Iola, you may notice a new button at the top!  With the boop feature, you can boop any character somebody else owns once per day.  There's no notifications of this, and it is not akin to favoriting them.  Think of it as though you are patting them on the head!  You can opt out of having your characters be boopable in your user settings, and of course, characters viewable to an authorized list can only be booped by mods and your authorized users.  We hope you enjoy booping!

You may also find some surprises around the site!

New Event Currency

Introducing... Seashells a small dark blue seashell with gold flecks! With this event comes a lovely glittering shell! What are they for? Well keep reading!

Seaside Pet Variants

Now we get to introduce our second variant, now purchasable with the event! Some of you may have seen these already, but now we can properly introduce them! Say hello to the
Seaside pets!
a frog like pet colored to look like a mix of water and sanda jellyfish like pet colored to look mostly like water with bits of sanda living stew colored like water with objects floating in it, with a sandy bucket on its head
These sweet little friends are perfect for beach lovers! Show your love for these pets by purchasing them with Seashells a small dark blue seashell with gold flecks or feeding your regular pet the Seaside Cookie!

New Pets

With the introduction of the Aqueous nations come three new friends!  We hope you’ll delight in getting to know the Cephulu, Tiburok, and Whazer!  For now, these three are only available at the Seashell Soirée - Boone's currently having trouble with the fancy schmancy tech to get tanks and water filters up and running for them in his shop.  Hopefully his daughter will come help her old man out soon.  Like the Hopopper, Jelluxi, and our beloved Stewy, they have different variants that they can be changed to with cookies. 

a green squidlike creature with large eyesa dark grey shark encrusted with purple crystalsa blue whale-like pet speckled with white and growing moss and mushrooms with a glowing blue mouth

In addition, there’s now lore up on all the site’s pets in the Fauna Section of the World!

New Shops!

Check out our event shop, Seashell Soirée Where you can spend your event currency ! Our event shop features new pet variants, strong elixirs, cookies, and the new pets, so there’s plenty available to purchase! You can earn Seashells a small dark blue seashell with gold flecks by completing prompts, 

It also looks like the Great Mushroom Harvest was the exact chance Blossom needed!  Visit her at the Strawberry Gardens, her new permanent shop, to get tools and spores for use in Cultivation - and maybe consider unlocking the Mushroom Gardens via prompt if you haven’t yet!  It seems like the new aqueous mushrooms you can grow might be used in some new dishes too...

a cookie shaped like a clam shell with icing that resembles watera bag of soil labeled strawberry gardens

New Prompts

This event comes with new prompts to enjoy! Follow your Dextroluma as they enjoy themselves at the Seashell Soirée, and get involved yourself, as one of the prompts is to paint a seashell yourself!  That prompt rewards a lot of seashells a small dark blue seashell with gold flecks and a special shell - but if you aren’t able to get the materials to do it, don’t worry.  You’ll be able to purchase the special shell from the event shop with seashells a small dark blue seashell with gold flecks.  (You can also do this if you just want more of it to put into your characters’ inventories!)

Additionally, what’s this?  There’s new Key Character prompts for Blossom, Boone, and the newly introduced rulers of the Eternal Depths, Anja and Syndra!  We hope you enjoy getting to know them and collecting their trinkets for your characters

New Explore

Oh - it looks like a new place to explore has appeared!  Check out the Tide Pools, where you can find collectible seashells - and maybe some other things.  The Tide Pools will disappear when the alignment of Aerius’ moons shift on July 1st, so definitely explore them while they’re here!

New Award (and Scavenger Hunt)

Of course with our New Event comes a new Award! Best get to collecting seashells from the Tide Pools and exploring the site itself - to get this award, you’ll need a collection of them.  Of course, you could do prompts and buy them from Queen Anja and Queen Syndra… but we’re told that exploring will get them faster!

a crown of seashells

New Items

In the event shop, you may notice something called 'Snapshots'!  These items apply a background to your character's profile / mastlerist entry, which you can see demonstrated by our lovely Lalasa!  Right now, the first one of the Eternal Palace only available at the Seashell Soirée, but we've heard rumors Serena plans to start offering them in July.  Bear in mind that these backgrounds will not work if your character's image has a background already.  You also must put the snapshot into the character's inventory for it to work - so if you want to display the Eternal Palace on five of your characters, you'll need a snapshot for each of them.

Discord Nitro Boosters are getting a free snapshot of Endville as one of their rewards for this past month of support.  It will become available for purchase by everyone - including boosters who would like to get extras - in June!

a old style photograph with border showing part of the Eternal Palacean old style photograph with border showing part of Endville

New Page

Check out the Past Dialogues to refresh your memory on what different shopkeepers and events have said before - and keep an eye out for when dialogues change again!

Look Forward To...

This event will continue through the end of June! 


Character Authorization

Posted 3 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 3 months and 1 week ago by Lunathyst


Our wonderful coder Cylunny has had this in the works for us for a little while and now we're happy to introduce it! Please give them a big thank you!!!

This was a much requested idea from our beta testers feedback forms and we couldn't agree more with it.
It's important that everyone is comfortable on site and we hope this helps greatly ♥


How does it work?

It's fairly simple actually! I will note there is no mass character selector and thus, each character will need to be changed manually.

1.) Select the character you'd like to hide / have autho only on and scroll down until you see 'Edit Profile'

2.) After selecting 'Edit Profile' scroll down once again until you see the following; Authorized User(s) & The hide Button.
Hovering over the will give you more information on what these do! 

Authorized User(s) allows you to choose up to 25 Users to authorize (You do not need to autho mods) So if you'd like certain friends to see this is your option!

Hide will hide the character from regular users, mods are still able to see these characters. If you'd rather not add users to authorize then this is your option!

3.) From here, type in the users names you want to be authorized to see your characters or select the hide button! It all depends on you!

4.) Select the 'Edit Profile' button when you're done to save this information and your character is now hidden!


Featured characters are not randomly chosen and are in fact manually chosen by mods. We take into account how much the character has been drawn, showcased etc when we want to feature them.
However, due to our new extension we will also have to take into account characters that are now hidden

If your character IS hidden, they cannot be featured on our featured sidebars as your character will not be visible for all to see.


- If your character is hidden, mods are able to see them as normal.
- If your character is hidden, people not authorized will see a custom thumbnail image and the masterlist number on the masterlist, they cannot see the characters name or design or owner.
- If a non authorized user were to select the character, it will bring them to a 404 page!
- If your hidden character is featured on your profile page, a non authorized user will see this as"No selected character featured" No thumbnail, nothing.
- If a non authorized user were to go to view all of your characters, they will not see anything. No thumbnails, nothing.
- If you submit a prompt with a hidden character it will submit just fine.
- Unauthorized users cannot submit prompts or art of hidden characters, there will be a "character not found" error.
- If a user has NOT authorized you, please respect their wishes in doing so, some people prefer to stay private and that's OK.

That's all for now mushies!! Enjoy ♥

Adoption Center is Live!

Posted 3 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 months and 3 weeks ago by Lunathyst


We've had this extension for a while now though it's been on the back burner for a bit. After reviewing our rules and such we're now ready to go and get things rolling once again! 
If you've been around long enough, you'll be very familiar with this system, previously named 'The Exchange'.

We've reworked things quite a bit so they flow much nicer along with our website and reflect our currency alterations as well! 

You can read all about the Adoption center here!

And you can visit the Adoption center here!
<a href=
Additionally our navigation bar has been altered to give you quick access to these links!

As usual, any questions about this update can be asked in the discord server, or right below! ♥

We hope you enjoy ♥

Cultivation begins!

Posted 3 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 months and 3 weeks ago by Lunathyst


I'm excited to announce that cultivation is now live! We've been excited to reveal this for a while now so we hope you enjoy it!! This lovely extension was created by our coder Cylunny so give her a big TY !!
Those of you who guessed right, yes, you will be growing your own reward ;) Better get planting!


More guides are here! The cultivation guide will easily guide you through the steps of cultivation and what it's all about! Got a green thumb already? This should be a breeze!


Prepare the Garden
With April 1st of course... Comes April fools! It's time to show us what you're made of  with the new Monthly Prompt, April Fools! 

Additionally comes a new unlock prompt! Blossom needs your help to prepare a plot of land for you! Help her weed out those pesky weeds so you can start growing all kinds of things!

Site alterations

Navigation menus have been updated to now give you quick acess to Cultivation & The Cultivation Guide!
The wheel, Trash and Treasures have been altered just a tad so you may get a mysterious new prize... Hm. Wonder what that's all about
<a href=" Drawn Box" class="display-item">Poorly Drawn Box</a>
Maybe you should check out Verdant castle just to be safe and see what Iola has to say! 


Part two of the event is live as you can see! You can still earn Bloom Shrooms Bloom Shroom this month and finish up any prompts you'd like for the event! 
Be sure to check out the event shop to see what goodies you can get for these sweet pink mushies!

A new ... Pet?

If you've checked Verdant Castle, you might've noticed a new creature has appeared... Stewy? Iola... You've created life!!
Stewy                Blushing
Try feeding Stewy the Blushing Cookie! They just might get even cuter!!

♥ That's all for now mushies!! We hope you have a wonderful April ♥

The Great Mushroom Harvest

Posted 4 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 3 weeks ago by Lunathyst


The Great Mushroom Harvest Begins…

Welcome to our first ever Event on! It’s been very exciting to work on this update and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do! With this update comes a variety of new things from pet variants and prompts to new dailies and shops, there’s plenty to do! Below I’ll go into detail about our update and what exactly everything does, so let’s continue!

Site alterations

We’re still finding our land legs for the website, so site features and such will go through several changes so they can be the best they can be! Our biggest change has been Nero’s Wheel of Fortune. We’ve altered it once again so there’s more chances you’ll get something good! As we’re altering the wheel, the images have also changed. This will require a hard refresh so you see the updated version! (To hard refresh press CTRL + F5 together!)

Additionally, we’ll be extending the 10 year anniversary prompt by a week! So you can continue celebrating with us!


Introducing... Bloom Shrooms! With this event comes a rather cute and pink shroom! What are they for? Well keep reading! Bloom Shroom


Finally we get to introduce our first variant, now purchasable with the event! Some of you may have seen these already, but now we can properly introduce them! Say hello to the
Blushing Hoppopper & Blushing Jelluxi!
4-Blushing-image.pngBlushing Jelluxi
These sweet little friends are perfect for pink lovers! Show your love for these pets by purchasing them with Bloom Shrooms Bloom Shroom or feeding your regular Hoppopper or Jelluxi the Blushing Cookie!

NEW Dailies and shops!

Check out our event shop, Blooms & Shrooms Where you can spend your event currency Bloom Shroom! Our event shop features new pet variants, strong elixirs and cookies, so there’s plenty on offer to buy! You can earn daily Bloom Shrooms by going to the daily right here!
<a href=

NEW Prompts

This event comes with FOUR new prompts to enjoy! Follow your Dextroluma as they prepare for the biggest Mushroom harvest of the year, prep, harvest and celebrate with these exciting new prompts right here! Also a fun way to earn some more Bloom Shrooms! Bloom Shroom


Of course with our New Event comes a new Award! Better make your way over to The Great Mushroom Harvest and collect your Bloom Shrooms for this one! You’ll have to grow it yourself.

look forward to...

Stick around till the end of March, where this event will continue to bring you even more goodies!

Welcome to Aerius

Posted 5 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 5 months and 1 week ago by Lunathyst


After 6 or so months now of hard work we’re finally ready to introduce you all to the big updates we’ve been teasing about in announcements!!! 


We have our own website!

Today marks 10 Years of Dextroluma and I couldn’t be happier to celebrate with my wonderful mods and community!

Again a big big biiiiiig thank you to the following people!

PuffinDoodle, GutsandGays, chamalaeon, Lollilumi, SoiLotus, Smol-Squeep, intrepidloves and our site coder and wonderful bug fixer Cylunny!
I also want to shout out to the lorekeeper server for all of their help, advice and guidance on this journey!
I couldn’t have done this alone without all of these beautiful people, so please please give a big THANK YOUU!!

It feels weird to say… Hey, I have a website now! Here it is! But it’s real and it’s a lot and I’m just so proud I… with like 0 coding knowledge was able to put this together, I dived in head first and hoped for the best and well… You see the result!! I’m just so happy!

So, What exactly does this mean?

Good question!! Moving to a website can be quite the leap and it is, we’ve gone through some big changes and I hope you can enjoy things now that they’re streamlined, up to date and a bit easier to find!

Upon viewing the website, I recommend you view this newbie guide firstly before doing anything else! 
This will get you situated, explain some of our basic features and so on!

Additionally I recommend the FAQ for any detailed questions you might have!

Please note we are not fully ready and we still have a few things left to complete! This includes but is not limited to:

○ Masterlists and character transfers

○ Information & Guides

○ Shop character art

○ Assets including traits

○ Bugs with purchasing pets / variants (This is a known bug and we are working on it!)

Things to take a look at on the site!

○ We’re missing assets for our design guide, but you can find that here! This should hopefully help those who struggle designing Dextroluma!

○ Our selection of prompts will grow, but for right now we have a steady amount to get you started! You can check out the prompts here or if you’d just like to see all of them in general you may click this link!

World Index Our world index can be found here, with this you can browse pretty much anything! Items, traits and pets!

Traits have also been altered to be more streamlined, these should be easily viewed here, If you’d prefer to view by rarity you can do so here.
You can also view by
category in the dropdown menus at the top of the page!

○ Interested in the world of Aerius? You can browse our World page here, Here you can find locations, flora and fauna and some interesting history!
Additionally with locations comes a pretty fun site feature! Go to your
Characters masterlist page, select edit profile and then you can choose where your Dextroluma lives by clicking the location drop down!


○ While we’re on the topic of locations, you may notice region names have been altered! We felt they were a little bland and basic and have given them an overhaul! For ease we have put their past names beside them, so you won’t get lost!


What about the special guest artists?

Upon launch we’ll be introducing our 4 Special Guest Artists and the designs each of them have made for the 10 year anniversary.
These designs will be available to everyone from the 18th and onwards! These will be posted on site!


Iola awaits you in the forest castle and it looks like she might have something for you! (psst, also claim the free raffle ticket while you're at it too! Don't forget to open it in your inventory!)


As we've moved to a website, currency has gone through a lot of changes. The currency you currently have will not transfer to the site, but we will have a special sale in the discord to use up your old Crystals and plenty of ways to earn new ones on site. Regarding owned items, characters and MYO slots, please await the ping in the discord server where Puffin will help you out!

When is this discord sale?

The crystal sale will happen soon, we’re wanting to add even more goodies to it so everyone has a chance to use up their crystals! With the site launch things have become a bit overwhelming and so there will be a slight delay on that! But don’t worry! We’ll keep you posted! 

And with that….