All Prompts

Dancing the Night Away

Dancing the Night Away

Category: Event Prompts
Ends: 31 August 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (1 month from now)



Besides viewing the solar eclipse, the biggest attractions of the Gala are the hors d'oeuvres and the dancing with an acclaimed live orchestra late into the day, long after most nocturnal Aerius citizens would have gone to sleep. The ballrooms of the Crystal Palace are plentiful, and there are numerous balconies and even gardens and the palace library as options of locations in the Palace to enjoy the Gala. How do you choose to spend your time at the Gala? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma, an NPC, or another's character celebrating the Eclipse Gala in some fashion.


Drawn Requirements: One Lined and Colored Half-Body
Written Requirements: 500 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits:  Once Per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Champagne Glasses 15
Best Dressed 1




Category: Event Prompts
Ends: 31 August 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (1 month from now)



It’s said that the first religions of Dextroluma revolved around the moon, and even now, many religions on Aerius still involve the moon. (Some involve the sun as well). While it is now known what causes eclipses and that they aren’t necessarily a dangerous magical event, plenty of superstitions about them remain, many of them asserting that eclipses are harbingers of bad luck. Do you believe in these superstitions? Does the eclipse make you nervous and lead to trying to take precautions or to talking to others about your fears? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma, an NPC, or another's character dealing with their superstitions about the eclipse.


Drawn Requirements: One Lined and Colored Bust
Written Requirements: 300 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits:  Once Per Character


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Champagne Glasses 5


Stayin' Awake

Stayin' Awake

Category: Event Prompts
Ends: 31 August 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (1 month from now)



By their nature, solar eclipses occur during the daytime. For many on Aerius, this means staying up very late into the day, far longer than they normally would, as most nations operate with a nocturnal schedule as their default - only those in the Great Sea of Sand, Obsidian Peaks, Azure Coast, and Solaris operate with diurnal schedules as their default. With as rare an event as a solar eclipse on the horizon, many who want to see it have to figure out how to stay awake - although plenty are lucky enough to not struggle at all. Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma, an NPC, or another's character and how they try to stay awake to see the eclipse.


Drawn Requirements: One Lined and Colored Bust
Written Requirements: 300 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits:  Once Per Character


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Champagne Glasses 5


The Perfect Outfit

The Perfect Outfit

Category: Event Prompts
Ends: 31 August 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (1 month from now)



A gala open to all is a rare opportunity, and you have to be certain you have the perfect outfit for the occasion. Some might choose fashions that are reminiscent of their normal day-to-day style, while others might choose something more unique, or even simply what they think they “should” wear to a gala. Some might make their own outfit for the occasion, while others might buy premade clothing, and still others might commission a custom design from a tailor or modiste for the occasion. Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma, an NPC, or another's character somewhere in the process of choosing the right fit for the occasion, including in their finished outfit!


Drawn Requirements: One Lined and Colored Bust
Written Requirements: 300 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits:  Once Per Character


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Champagne Glasses 5


Vacation Time

Vacation Time

Category: Monthly Prompt
Ends: 31 July 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (4 days from now)



The coming solar eclipse and the accompanying Eclipse Gala has left the Crystal Isles completely packed. Normally during this time of year, many other places on Aerius would be flooded with tourists - but nearly everyone with the funds to go to hot tourist spots is up there. Prices for travel, hotels, and every conceivable activity to do on vacation are way down, enabling lots of individuals who might not otherwise afford it to travel - or those who would not travel because they want to avoid being around lots of other tourists. Where does your character wind up traveling? What does your character do with this vacation opportunity? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma, an NPC, or another's character enjoying their vacation.


Drawn Requirements: One Lined and Colored Half Body
Written Requirements: 500 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: One Per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Crystals 30




Where you can submit your Featured Dextroluma art or commissioned Feature Artist Art



Once a month a random Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Artist will be picked to be featured! Typically a new Character and Artist will be picked on the first of every month.

Featured Character: To be featured the character must be set to "OPEN for gift art" and "PLEASE  ASK before gift writing" or "OPEN for gift writing".  Please make sure to not add large or obstructing watermarks/signatures to any art piece! If the character is set to ask before gift writing you must first get permission to write for the character before submitting anything. Please respect the owner should they decline gift writing!  

Featured Artist:  Pieces done by the Featured Artist can only be redeemed by the commissioner and not the  Featured Artist. Commissioned art can only be redeemed if it's done by the Featured Artist. You may still redeem commissions by featured artists outside of the month they were featured in provided that you provide screenshots alongside the finished piece proving they were commissioned when they were the Featured Artist


Drawn Requirements: One Uncolored Sketched Headshot
Written Requirements: 100 words

Where to Post (Featured Character): Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL".  Make sure to add  "Gift For" and their username under "Other Participants".  You may NOT submit any pieces privately to ensure they can see the art you've done!
Where to Post (Featured Artist): Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")

Prompt Limits: Five Times Per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Crystals 5


Meet Queen Diana

Meet Queen Diana

It's time to meet the Crystal Royal, Queen Diana!


It's time to meet the Crystal Royal, Queen Diana! Perhaps you can earn her Keepsake if you interest her enough.

To earn Queen Diana's Keepsake: The Favored Pin you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Queen Diana’s competitive spirit is well attested to across Aerius. There seems to be little that this Crystal Queen cannot make a competition of, and she’s as happy to compete with a stranger as she is with a friend. Whether she competes in something that favors her strengths, such as sparring or gambling, in something that she has never tried before, such as creating topiaries or dancing ballet, or even in something highly ordinary such as washing the dishes, Queen Diana gives every competition she creates her all, and firmly believes she can win. Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's experience of meeting and competing with Queen Diana.


Prompt 2: 
It is no secret that the last Delacroix King and Queen were stripped of their titles before Queen Diana was even born, and it is no secret that even now, much of the nobility of the Crystal Isles do not hold her in high regard. You happen to encounter Queen Diana after another frustrating event with the nobility or difficult media day, and she winds up asking what you have had to work hard to try to prove yourself at - and if it was ever truly successful in the way you hoped. Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma’s sharing their experiences with Queen Diana.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Queen Diana) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character

User Rewards: 20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Favored Pin 1


Meet Queen Ashe

Meet Queen Ashe

It's time to meet the Crystal Royal, Queen Ashe!


It's time to meet the Crystal Royal, Queen Ashe! Perhaps you can earn her Keepsake if you amuse her enough.

To earn Queen Ashe's Keepsake: The Beloved Fan you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Long before she was ever a Queen, Ashe La Fae had captivated Aerius with her ability to change nearly every color on her body at will, and even independently from one another. The only thing that ever stayed the same was her skin. Media in the Crystal Isles loved to photograph the young noblewoman in her varying looks, and she even became popular among their photographers for often teasingly changing her colorations to match theirs, something she is still occasionally known to honor - or annoy - others by doing. Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma reacting to Queen Ashe trying out their colors.


Prompt 2: 
Since her ascension to the throne after her best friend’s resignation, Queen Ashe has been known for her airheaded frivolity, such as renovating the entire Crystal Palace right in the aftermath of the violent attack on it by the Blighted Wilds. Despite this, conditions for many in the Crystal Isles have improved quite a bit since she took the throne. You happen to meet her, whether by chance or by intention, and during the course of your interaction, she asks an odd question - have you ever needed to hide some part or parts of yourself? Does it frustrate you, or does it feel like the best course of action? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma sharing their experiences of wearing a non-literal mask with Queen Ashe.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Queen Ashe) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character

User Rewards: 20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Beloved Fan 1


Meet Blossom

Meet Blossom

It's time to meet the owner of Strawberry Gardens, Blossom!


It's time to meet the owner of Strawberry Gardens, Blossom! If you impress her maybe she'll even grant you her Keepsake. 

To earn Blossom's Keepsake: Harvest Knife you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Blossom is an agriculturist with a natural affinity for flora-based magic and plant care. She's more than happy to share her knowledge or lend a helping hand to those who need it! Your character finds themselves crossing paths with Blossom and conversing about Aerius's flora. Do they have an interest in the subject? Do they take the opportunity to ask for plant care tips? Or perhaps ask her to help them start or tend their garden? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Blossom discussing or tending to Aerius's flora!


Prompt 2: 
The attack on Harmony, the death of Queen Deja, the war with the humans... all tragic events that have left a scar on Dextroluma-kind. Blossom is among the Dextroluma that lived through the war with the humans and witnessed the destruction of Harmony. The humans that she once befriend had turned against her and the people of Harmony. Has your character experienced the sting of betrayal? Have they ever had someone they cared about turn their back on them? Do they sympathize with Blossom's pain or is it something they can't fathom? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Blossom conversing about and reflecting on betrayal.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Blossom) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character 

User Rewards:  20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.



These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Harvest Knife 1


Meet Boone

Meet Boone

It's time to meet the owner of Rodeo Ruff Pets, Boone!


It's time to meet the owner of Rodeo Ruff Pets, Boone! If you impress him maybe he'll even grant you his Keepsake. 

To earn Boone's Keepsake: Old Boot you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Every Dextroluma from every which way knows of Rodeo Ruff Ranch and Rescue, and its grand collection of creatures from far and wide. Your character finds themselves at the ranch for whatever reason, whether to buy a pet, attend training or get a check up, but when finding Boone you see he’s absolutely flat out! He asks if your character can help him with a few tasks on the ranch. Bathing Gextros, herding Jelluxi, catching flies with Hoppoppers, taking Draphibians out for a much needed run, sorting out feed and baking cookies, there’s always work to be done on the ranch! What jobs does your dex do? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma  working on the ranch with Boone!


Prompt 2: 
Back before he owned the ranch, Boone was a war hero who roamed Aerius with a posse of other Dextro cowboys. On a quiet afternoon at Rodeo Ruff, your character runs into the old man, and out of idle curiosity you ask what happened to the rest of his crew. In turn, he asks you if you could go back and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Boone might have been a hero back then, but that doesn’t make him a good person. It was his ego that cost his posse their lives, each member knocked down like dominoes, one after the other. Has your character regretted anything you have done in their life? Do the choices they have made haunt them like ghosts that whisper behind their resting eyelids? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma having this contemplative moment with Boone.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Boone) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character 

User Rewards:  20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.



These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Old Boot 1


Meet Queen Syndra

Meet Queen Syndra

It's time to meet the Abyss Royal, Queen Syndra!


It's time to meet the Abyss Royal, Queen Syndra! If you impress her maybe she'll even grant you her Keepsake. 

To earn Queen Syndra's Keepsake: Crystal Grimoire you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Queen Syndra used to be a guard for the Crystal Isles before becoming Queen of the Eternal Depths. Though she is fully committed to her new role, she does still hold fond memories of her old home and likes to reminisce. Your character has the opportunity to speak or otherwise share their thoughts about different regions with her. Has your character only ever lived in one loctaion? Is there a location they love or despise? Is there that one local cuisine they miss when they went on vacation? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma sharing their relationship with location(s) of your choosing with the Queen!


Prompt 2: 
Queen Syndra is a powerful mage with knowledge of all sorts of magic. Whether by chance, such as a run in at the library, or by specifically seeking an audience with her, your character has the chance to practice or discuss magic with her. Do they ask her for a few pointers? Do they want her to observe a spell they were working on? Does it end well and they manage to impress her, or does a small disaster make them realize they aren't cut out for magic? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma practicing magic with Syndra!



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Queen Syndra) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character

User Rewards:  20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.



These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Crystal Grimoire 1


Meet Queen Anja

Meet Queen Anja

It's time to meet the Abyss Royal, Queen Anja!


It's time to meet the Abyss Royal, Queen Anja! If you impress her maybe she'll even grant you her Keepsake. 

To earn Queen Anja's Keepsake: Precious Shells you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
The Eternal Depths are known for their unusual and oftentimes controversial tolerance of the corrupted. By chance, you happen to spot a corrupted individual leaving the Queen's side. When you ask or confront her about it, she poses a question back to you. In ruling, sometimes you must do dangerous things to protect your people. Does your character agree that it’s okay to deal with the 'wrong' people if it guarantees that safety? Do they believe the ends cannot ever justify the means? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma sharing their thoughts with Queen Anja.


Prompt 2: 
One of Anja’s favorite pastimes is collecting seashells of all different kinds; she favors the iridescent and purple colored ones especially as they remind her of her wife Syndra. By chance you bump into the Queen as you’re exploring the depths and she’s more than happy to meet you, almost immediately asking if you’d like to help her out with collecting shells. Do you jump at the chance to spend time with the Queen? Maybe you have a favorite shell you’d like to find too? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma helping Anja collect beautiful seashells and rocks for her collection!



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Character and Queen Anja) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character 

User Rewards:  20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.



These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Precious Shells 1


Meet King Muramasa

Meet King Muramasa

It's time to meet the Corrupt Royal, King Muramasa!


It's time to meet the Corrupt Royal, King Muramasa! Perhaps if you beg he'll grant you his Keepsake. 

To earn King Muramasa's Keepsake: Withering Rose you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
A dance with the devil... what a tricky situation you have found yourself in. Your character finds themselves in the viper's nest being offered a potentially deadly dance with the Corrupt King. It's truly an honor to be granted his mercy and offered such a privilege. But perhaps his reassuring words and charming smile are nothing but a façade to fool you into trusting him.  Does your character dare to reject the vicious King's offer? Do they go along until they can plot their escape?  Do they trust the King's charming words or do they believe it to be a farce?  Is this a normal dance or is it one of swords or fists? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's response to being invited to a dance with King Muramasa!


Prompt 2: 
Ever since King Muramasa's corruption a sick and twisted hatred festered for the Dextroluma who remained Pure. They were pathetic weaklings. Nothing but dirt beneath his feet. How dare they look down on him for his Corruption?!  They were afraid of his power.  His cowardly son, King Nero, and his wench of a wife only want to keep Dextroluma as weaklings and prevent them from obtaining their rightful power.  All Dextroluma should abandon the light and delve into the darkness to reach their full protentional or should perish by his hand. What are your character's opinions on the Pure? Does your character agree with King Muramasa's hatred for the Pure? Do they dare disagree with his opinion and oppose him? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's and King Muramasa discussing the Pure.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Queen Muramasa) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character 

User Rewards: 20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Withering Rose 1


Meet Abella

Meet Abella

It's time to meet the owner of Abella's Boutique, Abella!


It's time to meet the owner of Abella's Boutique, Abella! Perhaps you can earn her Keepsake if you interest her enough.

To earn Abella's Keepsake: The Well-Loved Pincushion you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Abella is one of the most popular designers for Royals - but they aren’t the only ones who seek her out for their clothes. Her boutique is well stocked with numerous fabrics and premade patterns at numerous price points, and even some premade clothes that can be tailored to suit the needs of the buyer (such as holes in the sleeves for fins or a change to the back for wings). On a visit to the Boutique, you find her rather stressed and running behind on a very important design, and attempt to help her. Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma trying to assist Abella with her order and/or stress in some fashion.


Prompt 2: 
It’s rather well-known that Abella seems to have appeared out of thin air one day, and yet despite the lack of knowledge about her - no one even knows her surname! - she arrived on the fashion scene with major connections and a great deal of financing. It’s clear she has secrets, and it’s hard not to be nosy. When you happen to inquire in passing about it, whether intentionally fishing for an answer or simply wondering what she thinks of all the curiosity about it, she seems… sad, almost. She asks you if you’ve ever been kept a secret, or if you’ve ever kept a secret hoping to protect someone - and if keeping it actually helped the person you hoped to protect. Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma conversing with Abella about secrets and secrecy.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Abella) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character

User Rewards: 20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Well-Loved Pincushion 1


Meet Queen Iola

Meet Queen Iola

It's time to meet the Forest Royal, Queen Iola!


It's time to meet the Forest Royal, Queen Iola! If you impress her maybe she'll even grant you her Keepsake. 

To earn Queen Iola's Keepsake: Cherished Locket you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Iola is renowned throughout the Forest Kingdom for her horrendous wonderful cooking! She makes the most atrocious delicious dishes and has enlisted your help in cooking for her beloved husband, Nero.  Does your Dextroluma agree to help the Queen? Are they reluctant to help or enthused? Is your character just as bad of a cook as Queen Iola or are they able to salvage the dish before King Nero has to eat it? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's response to Queen Iola's request! 


Prompt 2: 
It's no secret that Iola has strong feelings about the Dextroluma who have fallen Corrupt. Wary and untrusting of the Corrupt ever since Nero's parents rose to power and began their attacks against the Pure Dextroluma. They're killers, murderers, criminals... but also victims of illness doomed to an untimely death. What are your character's opinions on the corrupt? Do they share the same sentiment that the Queen does? Are they more sympathetic or less? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's and Queen Iola discussing the Corrupt.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Queen Iola) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character 

User Rewards:  20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.



These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Cherished Locket 1


Meet King Nero

Meet King Nero

It's time to meet the Forest Royal, King Nero!


It's time to meet the Forest Royal, King Nero! Perhaps you can earn his Keepsake if you're determined enough. 

To earn King Nero's Keepsake: The Everlasting Rose you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
Nero is known as the most skilled swordsman in the Forest Kingdom. He has dedicated many years of his life to perfecting his skill with the sword. One way or another your character finds themselves having to face off with the King in a duel of swords. How did your character end up in this situation? Is this just a friendly challenge or perhaps your character sides with the Corrupt opposing the King? Does your character try to talk their way out of the duel or do they take the challenge head-on? Are they an honorable fighter or would they resort to trickery to gain the upper hand? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's reaction to a duel with King Nero! 


Prompt 2: 
It's not hard to tell that King Nero and the Corrupt King and Queen have some form of connection. When Necrosis first spread across the land King Nero's parents fell victim to the disease and soon became one of the Corrupt. They took power over the other Corrupt Dextroluma and named themselves King and Queen of the Corrupt Region. How does your character react to this information? Are they wary of the King due to his blood relations with the rulers of the Corrupt? Are they sympathetic to his situation or perhaps they can relate? Or maybe they're completely uninterested in his story? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's reaction to King Nero's estranged relationship with his parents.



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and King Nero) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character

User Rewards: 20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Everlasting Rose 1


Meet Queen Morgana

Meet Queen Morgana

It's time to meet the Corrupt Royal, Queen Morgana!


It's time to meet the Corrupt Royal, Queen Morgana! Maybe if you bow before her she'll grant you her Keepsake. 

To earn Queen Morgana's Keepsake: Tarnished Locket you must complete one of the following prompts 


Prompt 1:
The Corrupt Queen has always demanded respect. You will bow before her and grovel at her feet. You are blessed to be in the presence of the one true Queen of Aerius. Your character finds themselves faced with the Cruel-Hearted Queen of the Corrupt Region, Queen Morgana.  Did they end up in an unfortunate meeting or did they seek her out? Do they bow before her in fear or stand defiantly against her? Do they try to fight their way out or deceive her long enough to escape? Do they submit to her rule and become one of the Corrupt or firmly stand with the Pure Dextroluma? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's reaction to meeting Queen Morgana!


Prompt 2: 
Queen Morgana has always loved her son just as any good Mother should. She awaits the day she will reunite with her son and steal him from that harlot Queen Iola. Nero should be with his family. His real family. Queen Morgana believes that it's long overdue for her son to join them as the Prince of the Corrupt Region. How does your character react to the Queen's insistence that her son should join them as the Prince of the Corrupt Region? Do they sympathize with the normally cruel Queen? Or are they disgusted that she would doom her own son to the same slow death she will inevitably experience?  Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma's response to Queen Morgana's tumultuous relationship with her son King Nero!



Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Bodies (Your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma and Queen Morgana) 
Written Requirements: 1,000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: Once Per Character 

User Rewards: 20 Crystals


Each character must have their own unique prompt submitted to earn the NPC Keepsake. Multiple characters can not earn the NPC Keepsake in a SINGLE prompt. While you can include multiple characters only one character per prompt can receive the reward. Please only add the character you intend to receive the reward in the character section and NO other. Adding additional characters will result in your prompt being rejected.

To earn the User Rewards please add the "NPC Reward" from the Criteria Rewards in addition to any Art Calculators you may need.


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Tarnished Locket 1


Prepare the Garden

Prepare the Garden

Category: Unlock Prompts

Blossom needs your help!



Blossom is preparing a special plot of land for a garden and has asked you for help! Help prepare the garden by clearing out weeds, putting down fertilizer, or gathering materials for Blossom! Is your character willing to lend a helping hand? Are they helpful or do they just create more work? Are they excited to help or reluctant? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma , an NPC, or another's Dextroluma helping prepare the garden!


Drawn Requirements: One Lined and Colored Half Body
Written Requirements: 500 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: One Per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Mushroom Gardens Map 1
Crystals 10


The Ancestry of the Seas

The Ancestry of the Seas

Category: Unlock Prompts




Long ago when Dextroluma had yet to traverse beyond the seas, they held the ability to freely transform between legs and a mermaid like tail. As the years passed and Dextroluma began to inhabit various environments outside the ocean, fewer and fewer Dextroluma needed to take on their Mermaid Form. Currently there has been a resurgence, led by Queen Anja, to teach Dextroluma across the nations how to unlock this transformation. Queen Anja has appointed one of her trusted Advisors, Ophelia, to help aid Dextroluma of all Nations learn how to transform into their Mermaid Form. Does your Dextroluma wish to unlock this long-forgotten transformation? Are they eager to study and learn? For this prompt depict your Dextroluma studying, learning, or practicing their transformation with Ophelia! 
This prompt is the only prompt in which you can draw your Dextroluma in a Mermaid Form without having unlocked the Pearlesanct Pin. To be able to draw your Dextroluma in their Mermaid From first you must complete this prompt and have the Pearlescent Pin in your Dextroluma's inventory, then you must get the transformation approved using the "Update Design Tab" 
For more info on how to upload additional refs view the Submitting MYOs Guide
For more info on the guidelines and rules on Mermaid Forms view Mermaid Form Guide


Drawn Requirements: Two Lined and Colored Half Body (Your Dextroluma and Ophelia)
Written Requirements: 1000 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: One Per Character


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Pearlescent Pin 1


Iola's Dubious Mushrooms

Iola's Dubious Mushrooms

Category: Quests

Queen Iola loves to cook even though she might not be the best at it! Were you one of the lucky ones to have received Iola's most famous dish, Dubious Mushrooms?



It's rumored that King Nero is the only person to enjoy Queen Iola's cooking and will reluctantly gladly take it off anyone who isn't particularly hungry. Upon trying to deliver the infamous dish to King Nero he insists that you must try his beloved wife's cooking at least once. Does your character dare to try some of Iola's cooking or do they insist that King Nero has it? Depict your Dextroluma, Lockette, Dexette or Nunuluma, an NPC, another's character (with permission), and or King Nero eating or refusing to eat Queen Iola's Dubious Mushrooms.


Drawn Requirements: One Lined and Colored Bust  
Written Requirements: 300 words

Where to Post: Post your works to the Prompt Gallery and copy the URL into the "Submission URL". If you wish to keep your submissions private you may instead use a link or link (for art do not link us to the  gallery! Right-click and "Open image in new tab")
Prompt Limits: None


To complete this prompt you must attach the item Dubious Mushroom Stew from your inventory under the "Add-On" section to be consumed by the prompt. Failure to add the item will result in the prompt being rejected. 


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Crystals 15


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