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16 February 2024 (11 months ago)
01 Apr
As of September 2024, I’m returning to the community, though I apologize if I come off as standoffish and the like. I struggle with feeling disconnected with my peers here. A majority of this stems from social issues, bad habits, stress, and a lot of unresolved trauma. I’ve started therapy as of August 2024, and hoping that I learn how to integrate with my peers along my healing journey.

That said, I’m going to keep to myself from now on, and maybe only participate in seasonal events or such. I still like the design of the species, but I feel more comfortable with keeping to myself and reaching out on occasion, or talking in DMs when I have the social battery and topic to go on.

I’ve also been struggling to function, much less focus on designing my MYOs. Depression and executive dysfunction have been weighing me down for years, and will take years more to bounce back enough to use a creative outlet again. I can collect, but currently can’t use unless I have the energy for a design.

Feel free to message me with offers for anything on this account or my Toyhouse account. If any of the designs I have interest you (including Lockettes + etc, but excluding my Dexsona), I can look into appraising them, and the funds will go towards dental care or therapy. Otherwise, I will be selective in trading them for art.

Deadnettle's Design Terms

600 Crystals
41 Patronage
13 Cookies
Whipped Cream


Avatar of HeartStorm4everVerdant Mushrooms Avatar Frame
Featured by Owner
Thank you very much for your kind gesture! I will never forget it!

2024-03-08 20:16:39 (Edited 2024-03-27 10:01:13)

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