Milk 'n' Cookies
Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by chamalaeon
Welcome to January!
We hope you had great holidays if you celebrated any this year, and that you enjoyed the extension on the last event. We've got some new features, new creatures, and new prompts for you all to play with, so let's give the overview!
Monthly Features
Congratulations to our features this month!
We selected GutsandGays as our artist of the month! We loved seeing all of the prompts she did this past event, which you can check out in the art gallery!
Our character of the month, P.G., belongs to xXStarryPuffyDreamXx, who delighted us with her prompts this month, many of which featured P.G.!
Going forward, character of the month will be chosen at random from users who draw for the character of the previous month. If no one draws for the character of the month, the new one will be chosen from mod and GA characters.
If you commission a featured artist or draw a featured character during the month they are featured, you can submit them to the features prompt for a nice five crystal reward in addition to the normal rewards you can earn for art. Additionally, if you draw art for the featured character, you have a chance of being selected for the next featured character. Featured artist is selected from those who draw prompts and art throughout the month.
New Cultivation
In the prompts list, you might spy a new unlock prompt for the Greenhouse. The Greenhouse is a brand new cultivation area! In the greenhouse, you can grow cowcaps from seeds! These special friends take about three weeks to develop and emerge from the ground, but they're well worth the wait - especially if you make them into a new variant.
Once you've grown a cowcap, it can drop milk for you every 10 days (once our pet drops are fixed, that is - unfortunately this does not work just yet due to bugs). The type of milk it drops depends on the variant, and there's a use for these that we'll get to later...
New Event Currency
Introducing... Cookies ! With this event you get some cute little cookies! What are they for? Well keep reading!
Birthday Pet Variants
With Dextrolumas' anniversary in February and Lockettes' anniversary in March, we decided to make some cute birthday variants of our special pets - Stewy, Phoomf, and the brand new Cakey!
These festive little friends are perfect for celebrating with! Milk's cowcap, Sugar Cookie, has gotten into some of his prototype cookies and scattered them around the site. Find some special and limited cookies around the site, along with some cute pets in this special event-long scavenger hunt! As always, remember not to share spoilers for the hunt in the server or on the site, but you can work in private messages with other users.
Note that this hunt will be extremely difficult, due to how long it is and the rarity of the items in it. We hope you have fun!
New Pet
Alongside the aforementioned Cakey, we're also introducing a new friend - the Wisp. Hailing from the Faerie nations, you can read more about this shy creature here.
New Shops!
Check out our event shop, Milk 'n' Cookies where you can spend your event currency! Our event shop features blushing pet variants, cookies, borders, a background, and the new pet, so there’s plenty available to purchase! You can earn Cookies by completing event prompts and doing your event daily, as well as by purchasing supporter boxes in the Supporter Shop.
A couple of new characters have also been introduced in certain shops, so keep your eye out and give them a big welcome!
Reminder about how the Supporter Shop works. Each month you may purchase any of the supporter boxes and recieve fun rewards for supporting our website! These vary in price from $5 to $50. All funds go towards custom code, assets, pets, server costs, storage, domain registration and possible future extensions. These costs add up, so any little bit helps, please do not feel pressured to support. Your offline needs should come first.
New Items In Shops
There's new items for this event - backgrounds, borders, and more. Additionally, items from the last event have made their way into the appropriate shops.
New dishes & Ingredients
New dishes have made their way into this month along with some delicious new ingredients! Which is your favorite?
Alongside these normal dishes, it's now possible to craft certain types of cookies! Not all cookies are craftable - at the moment nurse and birthday cookies cannot be made. To craft a given type of cookie, you need the corresponding type of cowcap milk, along with some other ingredients. We hope you have as much fun with this as we will!
New Prompts
This event comes with new themed prompts to enjoy! Additionally, there are some new key character prompts for some of our characters - Milk, of course, as well as Symphony and Nepra, which award new keepsakes to your characters.
We announced this in the discord, but we'll also note we've added some more permanent prompts to do, such as the 'Beloved Pets' prompt. We hope you have fun doing them and playing with your characters!
New Awards
Late in December we officially released the "Dubious Stew Lover" award for users who complete a certain prompt 20 times. If you did the prompt before this, please submit a claim to receive the empty bowls you would have earned from doing the prompt.
For our event award, completing all three of the event prompts in January and February, you will be able to earn three unique cookie types: plushie, jenim, and bubble. They don't link to any variants, but with them, you can craft yourself the Home Baker Award!
New Books & Volumes
The first Lockette focused books have arrived! We hope you enjoy reading Saura and Shells and Spheres 101, and that you'll enjoy what we're doing with the species. As always, these lore books will be publicly available, and you can purchase trinkets of them from Nevermore Bookstore, or craft them (if rng lets you). We hope you look forward to the books still in progress for Lockettes and Kipitins!
As always, check out the volumes of Observer's Notebook to refresh your memory on what different shopkeepers and events have said before - and keep an eye out for when dialogues change again!
New Locations
You can find some new spheres of Maquette under the nations tab of the World Info section, and their corresponding sub-locations as well! We'd like to eventually add a third tier to locations to cover worlds/areas (ie Aerius, Maquette, Ignis), that isn't currently possible, so spheres will just go under nations.
Nitro Booster Rewards!
We try to give our nitro boosters some little rewards each event period. For Milk 'n' Cookies, each booster will recieve a blushing cookie! We appreciate you all for the boosts and hope you enjoy your goodies this month!
Site Updates
At present the site is invite only. If you wish to join you may ask in the discord for an invite code. Please note that we will not give invite codes to people without meaningful history on dA or TH.
We are still squashing bugs from our move to Lorekeeper 3.0, please check the discord's known bugs channel to see if a bug you encounter has been reported or not before reporting it in the bug reports channel.
We have some new guides finished - the Newbie Guide gives a good overview of site features such as dailies, while the Scavenger Hunt guide will hopefully clear up some confusion we've been seieng from users during scavenger hunts.
For more information on transferring your already existing characters and items to the website, please view the ‘Transfer to Site’ guide and follow its instructions.
We’re still working on getting items for Lockettes, Dexettes, Kipitins, and Nunuluma made for the site, but you’ll get another announcement when each ones’ items are ready. It’ll take some time, as we fit it in around preparation for our already planned events. Our first Maquette-centric event will occur during March-April, and our first Ignis-centric event will be in September-October.
Available Adopts
There will be new batches coming this month, but if you’re in the market for a new design and don’t want to wait, there are a few batches still open in the adopts section! At some point, we’ll also be trying to get our unsold Lockettes from pre-site batches onto the website.
Look Forward To...
The event continuing through February...